
Dave Irwin (1935-2007) was an avid collector of caving memorabilia – postcards, ephemera, books, paintings and drawings. In addition Dave meticulously researched and catalogued his collections. The downloads of catalogues, listed below, represent collections of ephemera (106 pages) and postcards (495 pages) that relate to Mendip.

Link Size Pages Description
Cheddar Ephemera Cat 1 to 10.pdf 14.3Mb 10Cox’s Cave booklets
Cheddar Ephemera Cat 11 to 20.pdf 15.5Mb 10Cox’s Cave leaflets and snapshots
Cheddar Ephemera Cat 21 to 30.pdf 18.6Mb 10Cox’s Cave snapshots and Gough’s Cave booklets
Cheddar Ephemera Cat 31 to 40.pdf 14.3Mb 10Gough’s Cave booklets, leaflets and snapshots
Cheddar Ephemera Cat 41 to 50.pdf 13.9Mb 10Gough’s Cave snapshots, booklets and leaflets
Cheddar Ephemera Cat 51 to 60.pdf 16.4Mb 10Gough’s Cave leaflets and snapshots
Cheddar Ephemera Cat 61 to 66.pdf 9.7Mb 6Gough’s Cave snapshot
Wookey Hole Booklets.pdf 7Mb 9Wookey Hole booklets
Wookey Hole handbills.pdf 47.6Mb 23Wookey Hole leaflets
Wookey Hole Miscellaneous.pdf 8.6Mb 8Wookey Hole snapshot booklets and folders
Description Size Pages
Front Cover, Index and Introduction 3Mb 9
Aveline’s Hole – two postcards 0.4Mb 1
Axbridge Ochre Mine.pdf 1Mb 1
Axbridge Ochre Mine – one postcard 1.2Mb 1
Butcher’s Cave (Bristol) - two postcards 1Mb 1
Chelms Combe Rock Shelter 1.2Mb 1
Cooper’s Hole - one postcard 1.3Mb 1
Cow Hole - one postcard 1.7Mb 1
Cox’s Cave – Title page 48kb 1
Cox’s Cave - Introduction 0.1Mb 3
Cox’s Cave – Frith series FR10 to FR 90 7.4Mb 8
Cox’s Cave – Frith series FR100 to FR 190 5Mb 6
Cox’s Cave – Frith series FR200 to FR 240 2.2Mb 4
Cox’s Cave – Frith series FR245 to FR 290 2.9Mb 4
Cox’s Cave – Frith series FR300 to FR 495 5.2Mb 16
Cox’s Cave – Frith series FR500 to FR 660 2.8Mb 5
Cox’s Cave – Frith series FR1000 to FR 2100 5Mb 6
Cox’s Cave – Frith type 7.1Mb 1
Cox’s Cave – publishers Abydos to Judge 8.9Mb 8
Cox’s Cave – publishers Longleat Estates to Photo Precision 11.8Mb 14
Cox’s Cave – publisher unknown 7.2Mb 7
Cox’s Cave – publisher Robertson to Viner 13.1Mb 15
Dundry Stone Quarries - two postcards 1.5Mb 1
Eastwater Cavern - two postcards 0.6Mb 1
Fernhill Cave - one postcard 0.8Mb 1
Flint Jack’s Cave – three postcards 1.3Mb 1
Giant’s Cave (Bristol) - one postcard 0.7Mb 1
Goatchurch Cavern - one postcard 1Mb 1
Gough’s Cave – publishers Abydos to Stanley Chapman 20.3Mb 21
Gough’s Cave – publisher Stanley Chapman 4.3Mb 4
Gough’s Cave – publishers Cheddar Caves to Crofton 11.5Mb 8
Gough’s Cave – publishers Dallagana to Excel 7Mb 9
Gough’s Cave – publisher Frith 16.9Mb 10
Gough’s Cave – publisher Goughs 6.2Mb 5
Gough’s Cave – publisher William Gough 17.7Mb 16
Gough’s Cave – publishers Graphotone to Phillput 7.9Mb 7
Gough’s Cave – publishers Photochrome to Photo Greetings 12.3Mb 11
Gough’s Cave – publisher unknown 8Mb 6
Gough’s Cave – publisher unknown 21Mb 10
Gough’s Cave – publisher unknown 14.6Mb 8
Gough’s Cave – publishers Radermacher to Senior 5.9Mb 7
Gough’s Cave – publishers Sharp to Sweetman 5.2Mb 6
Gough’s Cave – publishers Tuck to York 16.9Mb 14
Gough’s Cave – publisher visitors cards 2.3Mb 2
Gough’s Old Cave - two postcards 3.7Mb 1
Holwell Cavern - one postcard 1.3Mb 1
Lamb Leer Cavern - one postcard 0.7Mb 1
Novelty Strip Combinations - listing 0.1Mb 3
Pride Evans’ Hole - two postcards 1.4Mb 1
Redcliffe Caves (Bristol) - one postcard 1.2Mb 1
Robber’s Cave (Bristol) - one postcard 0.3Mb 1
Saye’s Hole - one postcard 1.2Mb 1
Sow’s Hole 1.3Mb 1
St. Cuthbert’s Swallet – four postcards 0.5Mb 1
Sugar Loaf Slitter - one postcard 1.3Mb 1
Swildon’s Hole 7Mb 4
Waterfall Cave - four postcards 1.5Mb 2
White Spot Cave 1.9Mb 2
Wookey Hole - cover 2.6Mb 1
Wookey Hole pages 1 to 10 16.5Mb 10
Wookey Hole pages 11 to 20 14.4Mb 10
Wookey Hole pages 21 to 30 9.9Mb 10
Wookey Hole pages 31 to 39 9.8Mb 9
Appendix 1 – Publisher abbreviations 66kb 5
Appendix 2 – Index of all cave sites 0.1Mb 5
Appendix 3 – Postcard publishers and associated caves 0.1Mb 13
Appendix 4 – Postcard series and their publishers 57kb 4
Appendix 5 – Trademarks 1.3Mb 3
Appendix 6 – Postal Back Catalogue – Part 1 1.9Mb 5
Appendix 6 – Postal Back Catalogue – Part 2 4.5Mb 9
Appendix 6 – Postal Back Catalogue – Part 3 2.9Mb 5
Appendix 6 – Postal Back Catalogue – Part 4 2.8Mb 6
Appendix 6 – Postal Back Catalogue – Part 5 4.5Mb 10
Appendix 6 – Postal Back Catalogue – Part 6 3.7Mb 8
Appendix 6 – Postal Back Catalogue – Part 7 14.4Mb 26
Appendix 6 – Postal Back Catalogue – Part 8 11.6Mb 20
Appendix 8 - Lettercards 29Mb 26
Appendix 9 – Selected Bibliography 78kb 1
Appendix 10 – Humour and miscellaneous 5Mb 6
Appendix 11 – Picture postcard publishers 55kb 2
Appendix 12 – Proofs and trials 9.2Mb 6
  • archive/catalogues.txt
  • Last modified: 02 Feb 2020 12:57
  • by matt